Tuesday 4 August 2009

Ethics in business

Consider a hypothetical situation.

Imagine you had been asked to provide a test manager type resource to an organisation. You provided one of your most experienced staff members, then looked to backfill (as that person performed other tasks). You found a suitably experienced resource and started bringing them in.

What if the real true blue Aussie company, say, oh I don't know a Christmas Catalogue company, decided that the resource you had presented wasn't appropriate. The company might suggest that your person didn't offer the right 'cultural fit', and that they had come to that decision in 2 or 3 hours of your person being there. What if the person you had put forward had genetics based around the asian region? What if you suspected this company of being racist? What would you do? Would you find someone else? Would you tell them to stick their tinned meat products and cheap festive garb up their comfortable white blinkered behind, or would you try and educate them? Or would you kowtow to them?

While this is of course a hypothetical situation I certainly want to strive for only working with ethical companies. The rational arguments against discriminative behaviour far outweigh any emotional argument for. After all, if we were truly racist, wouldn't we send the entire population of immigrants (even the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th generations) back to Europe and leave it for the indiginous population.

Anyway, like I said, this is all hypothetical, but inspired by a news article that surprised me regarding the number of death threats Obama gets per day.

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